What’s the Difference Between THC and CBD?

For decades, during a time when the black market valued availability and potency over specific strain fits and education, the only differences advertised aside from strain naming, was their visual appearance and an Indica, Hybrid or Sativa classification.  Want energy – smoke a sativa. Need […]

Intro to the Major Cannabinoids in Cannabis.

Cannabis is, perhaps, the most wondrously complex plant known to man. Its uses and applications, when adopted by an open-minded community, are as countless as the tiny trichomes found on every bountiful plant leaf. However, for the majority of those who have heard about or […]

Is Cannabis Addictive?

Before I dive into this topic I want to clear the air by saying that technically, ANYTHING could become an addiction if it consumes your mind, body or ability to do anything else. So yes, cannabis, sugar, television, cigarettes, crack, anger and eating soap can […]

Is Cannabis Bad for You?

Well…is it? Before I typed this blog out, I Googled the title. The top hit, an article by MedicalNews.com, has a lot of information on the benefits of cannabis, but when it comes to the negative effects, this is their statement:  “There is evidence that […]

Does Cannabis Use Pave the Way to Harder Drug Use?

Cannabis, while legal in Canada for over a year, still faces a ton of negative stigmas. Most of the more common stigmas surrounding cannabis, which were initially created and promoted as propaganda and misinformation designed to try to make it less appealing to the general […]

Cannabis Concentrates: Extracting Techniques and Products Produced

Cannabis concentrates are coming! And at Stigma Grow, we are looking forward to the opportunity to act as responsible industry leaders within this space. As such, we understand that for many existing consumers, and certainly for current non-consumers, there are plenty of questions surrounding what […]

Dewaxing and Winterizing: How Concentrates are Made, and Why it Matters

With the 2018 legalization of cannabis in Canada came dry flower cannabis and oils, but for many long-term consumers, the real excitement that came from legalization exists around the future potential for extracts and concentrates. The opportunity to create pure and clean cannabis concentrates, legally, […]

Edibles: What You Can Expect From Canada’s Upcoming Legalization

Anyone that’s been to a grey-market, black-market or legal cannabis shop in the USA/Europe can tell you that the legal cannabis shopping experience you are getting in Canada, pales in comparison. In stores not influenced by the fear-driven restrictions that dictate current Canadian cannabis legislation, […]

Pot and Parenting: Do Reefers and Responsibilities Mix?

True, close to no days have gone by between 1997 and 2019 without me consuming THC or CBD in one form or another, but I have also managed to maintain good credit, graduate from University, stay active and healthy, start and maintain multiple businesses of […]

Cannabis: Long-Term Effects

Cannabis has only recently come back into the spotlight as legalization in Canada approaches. As a result, the conversation surrounding its long-term safety has been reignited due to the fact that decades of use can now be studied via the growing wealth of online research […]

Seniors and Cannabis

It’s 2019, and the days of treating cannabis as a drug to be feared and shunned are long behind us. In fact, what used to be characterized as a drug for hippy teens and criminals exclusively, is now appealing to consumers of all shapes, sizes […]

Cannabis Terpenes: Can’t You Smell That Smell?

While some people focus on the THC percentage as a way of choosing their preferred strain, those who truly understand the effects cannabis has on the human body may prefer to focus on the terpenes, the aromatic oils that colour cannabis varieties with distinctive flavours, […]